Over the years, Paige Barr has helped executives, salespeople, architects, consultants, bankers, personal trainers, employees of charities, volunteers, designers, Vloggers to improve their skill set by introducing new ideas and skills they all quickly adopted to become more successful and more comfortable.

My method and training applies to many areas.  

Do job interviews, presentations, proposals for your job, doctoral or school presentations make you anxious?

I can help you improve your messaging, communication skills, client relationships.

I will teach you new skills, tips and tricks, hone and/or redirect the skills you have.  

You want more presence, I can help you have more.

Show your best self. Get your message across clearly with impact.


Contact us so we can have a conversation about your goals.

Get Started!

Email: performativitycoaching@gmail.com
phone: 646-397-1338